To all of you Filipino-Americans: Barack Obama is not for you.

For many of you Filipino-Americans, I am posting this off-topic post about this Presidential election. As a Catholic like many of you out there, I am very confident that John McCain should be elected to be the next President of the United States. Taking a pro-life canddiate Sara Palin as his running mate, I am for sure that John McCain is the candidate for you.
- As a Catholic, I am Pro-Life. Babarack Obama has voted three times for abortion and even death of a newborn after he is born. Even if the baby with down-syndron (Palin's newborn has one) deserve to live.
- As a Catholic, I am against same-sex marriage. I believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. John McCain endorses California Proposition 8, which is a initiative to make it constitutinal in the state of California to protect marriage. If you are Filipino and you support same-sex marriage, then SHAME ON YOU!
- John McCain has shown strong courage when he served in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam War. He was a POW for five years, and refused to leave early, even if he was badly hurt. He has a heart and courage that qualifies him to be President. What type of experience does Barack Obama have besides having a job as an attorney in Chicago and serve in the Illinois state legislature?
- Barack Obama supports Socialist Health Care, which will undermine the funding of hospitals...and put you Filipino nurses OUT OF WORK!!! Hospitals and doctors need the proper money that comes from our health insurances and cannot depend on government funding because that will not be enough to fund doctors to take care of Americans. I want to know that my money is spent on health insurance, not on beauraucrats and special interest groups.
- Barack Obama will raise taxes on small business, thus losing revenue and put Americans out of work. What kind of change do you call that?
- Barack Obama will undermine our military that would not make America safe. Thus the Al-Queda in the Phillipines will become stronger. You do not want those Islamic extremists run the country where your ancestors come from. With the proven military experience, John McCain will keep our world safe.
- Who cares you you think John McCain will be a repeat of George Bush's failed policies? The Democratic congress has a lower approval rating than the President. Why? Because there was no action there. With Sarah Palin's experience with fighting the corruption in the Alaska government, she has the abilitiy to fight the corruption in Washington. Do not pay attention with that whiner Nancy Pelosi or any of those bullshitting Democrats.
- I know that there the President of the Phillipines is a female. And some of you Filipinos are upset that Hillary Clinton did not get the Democratic nomination or that Obaman has pass over Hillary or other female candiddates to be his running mate. How about a female Vice President in the Repulican Party ticket sound like to you?
- John McCain believe that we have a right to own a gun and that it is our responsibility to lock or unload arms when it is not in use.
- John McCain will strive for independence from foreign oil. Barack Obama insisted that we should not drill, but believe this ridiculous energy plan for Americans to inflate our tires.
- And last, Barack Obama lacks leadership experience. After just one year as Senator of Illinois, Obama decided to run for President. He spent most of his term running for President. Do you believe they guy who hardly did anything in the senate to run for President? Over 135 times, Obama has voted "Present" in the Senate. John McCain has been on the Senate for 21 years, and he has been vocal with the war against the Terrorist. I want to elect the leader, so therefor I am voting for John McCain.
To all of you Filipinos out there, vote for John McCain for President!
Undecided? Then click here!
Also check out Asian Americans for McCain or the official site!
An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent. Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.
An estimated 14,100 foster children are living with lesbian or gay parents. Gay and lesbian parents are raising three percent of foster children in the United States.
Millions of children in the United States have LGBT parents.
You're not denying marriage to "gays" ... you're denying marriage to "parents" - not something to be proud of in my book.
Sucks for you, cuz OBAMA is gonna WIN!
You are ignorant. Wat is your name? BIG TONE? more like big Redneck.<<-----LOL I will kick your ass man!
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