Filipino Bacon

A satirical website about the filipino customs and cultures.

Friday, October 05, 2012

How to calcularte the literacy rate in the Phillipines

Simple. Take the number of people who has an ability to speak English. Divide it by the total population of the people living in that whole nation. Multiply that number by 100.

Let's break it down:

48,800,000 English Speakers

92,337,852 living in the nation

48,800,000/92,337,852 x 100 = 52.8%

In conclusion, about 52.8% of the people living in the Philippines are literate.

Friday, March 16, 2012

This should be the new logo for Seafood City

Suckfood City

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Description of a misreable Pinay

Chooses no other college major but nursing
Loves to sing R&B on a karaoke machine
Always think they are the shit
Always think Filipinos are more superior than the Americans
Always wanted to be treated like a princess
Complains when things do go their way
Racist towards whites
Race baiting
Believe that America is founded by racists and slave owners
Envious towards Filipinos who do not hang around with other Filipinos
Envious towards Filipinos who date anyone who is not Filipino
Hates Filipinos who vote Republican
Hates Republicans and conservatives
Hates America but wants to take advantage of the system
Unpatriotic (disregard of the United States)
Never celebrates Independence Day (Fourth of July)
Always finding someone to blame when there is a problem
Believes that every Filipino born in the United States is "half-Filipino, half-American"
Wears flip-flops
Wants Filipinos to wear flip-flops
Always talking about Filipino food
Cooks spaghetti with hot dogs
Eats rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Keep on saying "ano" this and "ano" that (it means bullshit)
Goes to a Wal-mart, buys clothes that is made in China shipped thousand miles across the Pacific, and puts them in a Balikbayan box which is shipped to the Philippines another thousand miles across the Pacific

And most of all...fucking miserable.

I will add more, but feel free to comment

Okay, I am back

You may not like it, but I am back.

I am not going to put down Filipinos. Instead, I will make jokes and humor about it.

I might be damn proud of my Filipino ethnicity, but I am more proud to be an American.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My last Filipino Bacon post

I am going to make this my very last post on Filipino Bacon as I decided to become more focus on politics than joking around with or criticizing Filipino customs. I will conitune to support conservative values and ideas and critique what is going on in American politics (from my point of view). I would like to say that:

Filipino groups can intorduce their cultures to the American society, not asking the government or political parties to support their own beliefs. Filipino activist groups are the ones that make Flipinos the problem. It is time of what we can do for ourselves.

Filipino Americans should act like Americans in order to succeed and move forward, not dwell in their customes and separate themselves from the American society. We cannot depend on the government. We have to work with the society.

Filipino Americans should retain their core Catholic values. That is the religion that makes Fil-Ams more civilized and stronger.

There should be no cliques. Whether you are a FOB or an American, we need to straighten ourselves. If the American ideas are good, we should accept it. We need to be clean-cut people, not looking yourselves "hip-hop."

We need to discover what is normal, what works, and what is bad.

And if you so happen to hate American, then GET OUT!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

OFF TOPIC: California Proposition 8 passes, so shut the hell up already!

If you people voted Yes on Proposition 8, I am damn proud of you. Marriage must be defined as a union between a man and a woman, not just between two people. Same-sex couples already have equal rights. Why do those sodomites want to redefine marriage? Same-sex civil unions can file joint tax return, have medical benefits, adopt children, and visit each other in the hospital, but they cannot pervert the meaning of marriage against Christian families and insult God. Traditional marriage happened for thousands of years. These homosexual activists call Mormons, Catholics, Evangelicals, and other religious groups as hateful and facist, but they act like fucking Nazis. Fucking hypocritical queers. God does not like what these bastards are doing. I do not give a shit if you are calling me or any of these Prop. 8 supports hateful. You perverts are the ones who are hateful throwing shit at churches and rioting on the streets shouting obscenities towards Chrsitians. I hope those sodomites get cursed with AIDS. That will show them!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

To all of you Filipino-Americans: Barack Obama is not for you.

For many of you Filipino-Americans, I am posting this off-topic post about this Presidential election. As a Catholic like many of you out there, I am very confident that John McCain should be elected to be the next President of the United States. Taking a pro-life canddiate Sara Palin as his running mate, I am for sure that John McCain is the candidate for you.

- As a Catholic, I am Pro-Life. Babarack Obama has voted three times for abortion and even death of a newborn after he is born. Even if the baby with down-syndron (Palin's newborn has one) deserve to live.

- As a Catholic, I am against same-sex marriage. I believe that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. John McCain endorses California Proposition 8, which is a initiative to make it constitutinal in the state of California to protect marriage. If you are Filipino and you support same-sex marriage, then SHAME ON YOU!

- John McCain has shown strong courage when he served in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam War. He was a POW for five years, and refused to leave early, even if he was badly hurt. He has a heart and courage that qualifies him to be President. What type of experience does Barack Obama have besides having a job as an attorney in Chicago and serve in the Illinois state legislature?

- Barack Obama supports Socialist Health Care, which will undermine the funding of hospitals...and put you Filipino nurses OUT OF WORK!!! Hospitals and doctors need the proper money that comes from our health insurances and cannot depend on government funding because that will not be enough to fund doctors to take care of Americans. I want to know that my money is spent on health insurance, not on beauraucrats and special interest groups.

- Barack Obama will raise taxes on small business, thus losing revenue and put Americans out of work. What kind of change do you call that?

- Barack Obama will undermine our military that would not make America safe. Thus the Al-Queda in the Phillipines will become stronger. You do not want those Islamic extremists run the country where your ancestors come from. With the proven military experience, John McCain will keep our world safe.

- Who cares you you think John McCain will be a repeat of George Bush's failed policies? The Democratic congress has a lower approval rating than the President. Why? Because there was no action there. With Sarah Palin's experience with fighting the corruption in the Alaska government, she has the abilitiy to fight the corruption in Washington. Do not pay attention with that whiner Nancy Pelosi or any of those bullshitting Democrats.

- I know that there the President of the Phillipines is a female. And some of you Filipinos are upset that Hillary Clinton did not get the Democratic nomination or that Obaman has pass over Hillary or other female candiddates to be his running mate. How about a female Vice President in the Repulican Party ticket sound like to you?

- John McCain believe that we have a right to own a gun and that it is our responsibility to lock or unload arms when it is not in use.

- John McCain will strive for independence from foreign oil. Barack Obama insisted that we should not drill, but believe this ridiculous energy plan for Americans to inflate our tires.

- And last, Barack Obama lacks leadership experience. After just one year as Senator of Illinois, Obama decided to run for President. He spent most of his term running for President. Do you believe they guy who hardly did anything in the senate to run for President? Over 135 times, Obama has voted "Present" in the Senate. John McCain has been on the Senate for 21 years, and he has been vocal with the war against the Terrorist. I want to elect the leader, so therefor I am voting for John McCain.

To all of you Filipinos out there, vote for John McCain for President!

Undecided? Then click here!

Also check out Asian Americans for McCain or the official site!

Friday, May 09, 2008

To all of you Tag-alog-speaking Filipinos in America

I agree with this guy in the picture below:

This is former baseball player John Rocker. He is wearing the SPEAK ENGLISH T-shirt just to let you idiots know that if you come to America, you must be able to speak English. I welcome immigrants alike coming to this country. But if you plan to live in this country you must be able to speak and learn English. Is it that hard? Every Filipino who has been born and raised in the Philippines should know English already! If English is one of the two official language in your homeland aren't you fucking morons supposed to be educated already? I am very sure that any Filipino with a fucking high school diploma should be able to speak English! Is there an excuse for not speaking it? No! So if you are gonna go ahead and post something in this forum POST IT IN FUCKING ENGLISH! And if you insist on posting in Tag-alog then all I read is nothing but BLAH BLAH BLAH. And by the way read John Rocker's website about his Speak English campaign. Whether you like him or not I support his views. SO SPEAK ENGLISH!