To all of you Tag-alog-speaking Filipinos in America
I agree with this guy in the picture below:

This is former baseball player John Rocker. He is wearing the SPEAK ENGLISH T-shirt just to let you idiots know that if you come to America, you must be able to speak English. I welcome immigrants alike coming to this country. But if you plan to live in this country you must be able to speak and learn English. Is it that hard? Every Filipino who has been born and raised in the Philippines should know English already! If English is one of the two official language in your homeland aren't you fucking morons supposed to be educated already? I am very sure that any Filipino with a fucking high school diploma should be able to speak English! Is there an excuse for not speaking it? No! So if you are gonna go ahead and post something in this forum POST IT IN FUCKING ENGLISH! And if you insist on posting in Tag-alog then all I read is nothing but BLAH BLAH BLAH. And by the way read John Rocker's website about his Speak English campaign. Whether you like him or not I support his views. SO SPEAK ENGLISH!